Institute for Contemporary Education annual membership:

12 months of professional development for educators

ICE’s professional development programs are designed for educators who continuously work on improving their didactic, methodological and digital competencies. Membership packages also help colleagues who are starting in the field of education to discover where to direct their efforts so as to achieve the best possible results in the classroom.

The Institute brings together renowned experts and education leaders who selflessly share their experiences and knowledge, and colleagues who are aware of the importance of lifelong learning and development. Choosing ICE’s quality professional development programs enables teachers to be exemplary professionals. So, join the members of ICE, a unique network of exquisite teachers who aspire to advance and push the boundaries in education.

Why is professional development in education important?

Changes in one’s environment, way of functioning, and life dynamics are occurring at an increasing pace, so adaptation is a lesson we all need to learn. We encounter new technological advancements that are becoming our reality on a daily basis, and new education standards are becoming an intrinsic part of the journey for every teacher. Those who understand the concept of lifelong learning and work on their professional development, convey this idea to their students. This way, they teach generations of students to be aware of the importance of lifelong learning, and acknowledge that there are no limits to what they can do.

Whether you wish to keep pace with educational innovations, become a leader, revolutionary and innovator in education, gain skills for new business positions in the country and abroad, or become a dedicated and loved teacher, ICE membership provides you with top-quality, modern and practical development programs designed to respond to your every requirement.

ICE membership – a gateway to knowledge and skills

Educators have a task to not only transfer knowledge, but help students shape their personalities and attitudes, and prepare them for a professionally successful, fulfilled and ethical life. It is, therefore, necessary to work on one’s professional development so as to make achieving top educational results a part of your personal and professional journey and your students’ learning experience.

ICE has created three membership packages, which provide teachers with an opportunity to achieve fantastic progress in developing their personal and professional skills, fulfill their development vision and acquire valuable diplomas and certificates, make a revolutionary step in teaching, and achieve spectacular results in the classroom.

ICE membership provides a unique opportunity to teachers, professors, pedagogues, and other participants in education to make a change in their approach to teaching that will delight students and make classes interactive; and all this within a year. Professional development mustn’t be a privilege of the selected few, but an obligation of all participants in the education system. If we want to change the world, we must work on the development of those changing the world – and that’s you!

About ICE membership packages

Account on ICE platformYESYESYES
Online workshops with the best IT tools for teaching122436
Attendance at accredited programs135
DL (online) seminars2612
ECDL course of choice112
Online English language assessment test111
English language course in accordance with the test result-11
Following online lectures within the ICE3YES




Attend trainings for working with IT applications (live or online)310YES


Discount for co-organizing eventsdo 50%do 50%do 50%
Discount for participation in the ICE conference20%30%50%
Discount for participation in summer / winter school for employees in education10%20%30%
Discount on ICE video courses10%20%30%
Discount on Cambridge PDQ programs5%10%10%
Certificates and certificates for attendance at all events within the ICEYESYESYES
Opportunity for a member to become our associate (lecturer, writing an article for a blog)YESYESYES
Opportunity for a member to become an official SonS ambassadorYESYESYES
Visit to the premises of the ICE and educational institutionsYESYESYES
Discount on education services within the LINKgroup Education Alliance1%2%3%

Join the network of ICE members and renowned colleagues from the world of education 

Institut omogućava da svaki nastavnik bude vaspitnoobrazovni ekspert

Velika je čast i privilegija biti član IMO. Kvalitetno i savremeno stalno stručno usavršavanje nikada nije bilo lakše i dostupnije za mene. Sjajni i stručni predavači, aktuelne obrazovne teme date kroz brojne seminare, predavanja, tribine, stručne skupove, konferencije i, naravno, modernu tehnologiju jesu vizija jednog novog, boljeg, savremenog obrazovnog sistema. 
Ivana Savić, profesor razredne nastave i član IMO

Why is ICE membership the right choice for every teacher?

The 12-month membership packages bring endless possibilities for professional development, seminar and training program opportunities, and employment options. Each package provides free participation in accredited seminars designed to improve your teaching competencies, ECDL courses of your choice, English language courses, IT training, lectures, the option to choose from a pool of 100+ DL courses offered by the institute and LINKgroup, a special discount for Cambridge PDQ programs, as well as education at any institution within LINKgroup Educational Alliance. The comprehensive membership packages enable teachers to acquire professional development points within and outside the institution.

Throughout the membership term, the teachers are highly motivated to follow the free content provided by their membership packages, given that they have constant technical and professional support from the ICE team which follows the progress of each member. Moreover, the teachers have a unique opportunity to follow all programs live and/or online via the cutting-edge Distance Learning Platform.

State-of-the-art educational tools available to all ICE members

The Institute for Contemporary Education is the only place in the region where one can access all technical devices used in teaching, in a specially designed environment – Intelligent Classroom, i.e. smart classroom – enriched with the latest educational technology. 

By trying out different educational gadgets in teacher training, you will learn in what ways you can facilitate the learning process and gain modern, applicable skills designed to enhance teaching.

Here are the devices you can use at the Institute.

Interactive desk for a more creative education

The touch-sensitive desk has proved a valuable addition to the education process, and combined with the image projector and computer, it provides unlimited possibilities for effective and creative learning. Try out the touch-sensitive desk using an interactive pen or just your fingers.

Amazon Echo – the assistant with all the answers

This tiny cylinder hides extensive knowledge of natural and social sciences, so you can ask it any question you would like answered: from facts about past events, through natural and social phenomena, to predictions about the future of many areas. Ask any question and try out this smart assistant.

Raspberry Pi – a large treasure trove of knowledge in a small computer

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is one of the latest models of new generation computers and is no bigger than a credit card. This latest technological marvel plays a huge role in the teaching of computer science in schools around the world, and you can discover exactly how this gadget works at the Institute.

3D printer turns ideas into reality

The arrival of the 3D printer has initiated a genuine industrial revolution, and in some advanced countries, such as the USA, it completely changed the manufacturing process. At ICE, you can learn everything about the principles of 3D printing and try out this revolutionary product.

3D scanner – digital representation of physical objects

The 3D scanner is one of the latest technological devices which you can use at the Institute for Contemporary Education. This unusual device efficiently recognizes physical objects, converting them to digital records which can be later used in the production of three-dimensional models and for other purposes.

3D printing pen – a new kind of drawing tool

A seemingly ordinary pen actually “draws” 3D objects using a plastic filament, thus turning drawings into tangible objects. A fun and useful tool, it will make learning more engaging than ever before. Try out the 3D printing pen at the Institute and learn about its implementation in the teaching process, as well as how it can contribute to more effective learning.

SPRK+ Robot Ball

SPRK+ Robot Ball is a spherical interactive robot launched by the Sphero company. This robot is a breath of fresh air in the field of education. Easy to use, but with numerous options for learning through play, SPRK+ Robot Ball stimulates curiosity and creativity, and can also teach you about programming, mathematics, artistic skills and other practical knowledge.

Humanoid robot for learning through play

UBTech Alpha 1S robot is designed as a personal assistant for learning and play, and its features match the areas of your interest. Thanks to specially designed 3D software, it is possible to program this interactive robot to include information about different areas – from literature, music and dance, to yoga, football and other sports. Meet our robot at ICE and see what it can do. 

Egg chair for maximum learning comfort

All devices and gadgets available at the Institute can be tested sitting in a specially designed Egg chair. Egg chair is designed to provide comfort and create ideal conditions for testing Samsung Gear VR, for example.

Tablets for easier and more enjoyable learning

The experience of acquiring knowledge is even more interesting if you use iPads and other tablets that allow you to access numerous services. At the Institute, these and other gadgets are available at all times.

Samsung Gear VR for a real virtual adventure

One of the gadgets that’s been catching the eye of many users around the world in recent years is Samsung Gear VR. This goggle-like device offers an exquisite virtual reality experience and can instantaneously take you to any world you like.

We have also made a giant step towards the future by giving you the chance to see the latest 9D Starship VR device which blends sight, hearing, and touch, and stimulates smell and taste, thus creating a full experience of reality with a strong emotional effect. This is a unique chance for all ICE members to try out this unusual educational tool, the only one of its kind in the country and the region.

How to become an ICE member and advance your teaching competencies?

Modern education promoted by the Institute is available to anyone who wants to undergo professional development in their respective areas, acquire new knowledge, and choose the best path to modern, applicable teaching skills.

You are a few simple steps away from the professional development you deserve. All you need to do is fill out the application form below and the Institute’s consultant will contact you.

Discover a new and unique dimension of education!

Corporate membership: Bring your educational institution and teaching staff to the elite

The Institute for Contemporary Education enables all educational institutions to provide its employees with corporate membership and an opportunity for group education on preferential terms. Collective membership allows individuals to become more successful, but it also helps school and educational institutions to improve their education process through the implementation of modern technologies.

You can get all information about special corporate membership benefits via telephone: +381 (0)11/40-11-260 or email: Our team will provide all the information you need and guide you step by step so you could provide professional development to your employees, helping them achieve more noticeable results. Join our ever-developing and successful team.

Annual membership prices per package (with a discount!)

IMPORTANT: The value of the membership packages greatly exceeds the annual membership price which, for the duration of 12 months, allows you to access ICE’s professional development programs free of charge and without additional costs, with significant discounts for events we co-organize.

The full value of the membership package we have prepared for you2500 € 1000 € 300 €
Full price membership package300 € 100 € 30 €

Become a member and embark on the professional development program that will enable you to position yourself on the labor market and make a giant step forward in your career.

The discount applies to renewals and new memberships for ICE Premium and Exclusive packages.